July 14, 2014

Mike & Ann Marie's Wedding Weekend

This weekend was Ann Marie & Mike's wedding in Meridian MS. Fortunately, my amazing mom agreed to come to Meridian for two nights and babysit SJ while we went to the rehearsal dinner and the wedding. I feel like I say it everyday, but I don't know what we would do without her. Needless to say, this was lil' bit's first time at a hotel and she LOVED the king sized bed.  

 Of course we found a hotel that was dog friendly. They enjoyed their weekend as well, although they are used to the hotel living.

 SJ has been a little fussy lately and this picture is a pretty accurate depiction of her when she hasn't just nursed or is asleep. And even though I KNOW she was a pill to handle, mom said she had been an angel every time David and I returned from an event.

We were able to get some nap time in before the rehearsal dinner.

We sat at a table with Grae & Laura, Madeline & Thomas, and Kate & Andrew.

I took lots of pictures from that night but they are all of David's phone.

The next day David went to the groomsmen's brunch and the rehearsal at the church, and while he did that mom and I hung out at the hotel. Have I mentioned my mom is the best...

 The wedding was beautiful and the reception at the Meridian Country Club was so much fun. Below are a few pictures but we mainly danced.

The next morning we woke up to a happy baby so we ventured over the Peg & Phil's house so SJ could meet Peg.

It was also her first time to meet Joe!

We got home that night and resolved to finally start a routine as far as bedtime goes. Bath between 7-8, nurse, then story time. So far we have successfully stuck to our plan for one night. We'll see how long it lasts.

July 6, 2014

More Family

Today, though sad because grandpa is not here with us, was a joyful day filled with family. I am so thankful for this wonderful family and really admire the lengths that everyone goes to in order to take care of one another.







Oh yeah, I almost forgot. David came straight to my grandmother's house from Starkville. He immediately retrieved his frisbee began throwing with Ryan, Jason, and Max David. It was so fun to watch the boys out in that huge field playing frisbee. Unfortunately the friendly game came to an end when Ryan and David went for the frisbee at the same time. Somehow Ryan's teeth met David's cheek and the evening came to a close with a trip to the Canton emergency room. Fortunately, Max David was able to take him at a time when there was only a 2 minute wait - they were able to get in and out and come back to hang around for a while longer before everyone went home.